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As one of the most well-known and beloved characters in the Pokemon universe, Pikachu has become a symbol of the franchise as a whole. Fans of Pokemon know that Pikachu is not just cute and cuddly, but also powerful, with a combination of speed and special attacks that make it a favorite among trainers. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the best strategies for using Pikachu in battle and leveling it up to its full potential.

1. Quick Attack – As Pikachu's signature move, Quick Attack allows it to strike first in battle and can make all the difference in the outcome of a match. Use it whenever possible to get the jump on your opponent.

2. Thunderbolt – This powerful electric attack is one of Pikachu's best weapons, dealing high damage to opponents weak against electric-type moves. Combine it with Quick Attack for a deadly one-two punch.

3. Agility – Pikachu's agility allows it to move quickly around the battlefield, dodging attacks and gaining an advantage over slower opponents. Use this to your advantage to gain the upper hand in battle.

4. Iron Tail – With its powerful steel type attack, Iron Tail can be devastating to opponents who are weak against it. Use it against rock, ice, and fairy-type Pokemon to quickly dispatch them.

5. Focus Blast – A powerful special attack that deals massive damage to opponents, Focus Blast should only be used in crucial moments, when you need to deal a lot of damage quickly.

To level up Pikachu effectively, focus on using it in battles and making sure it gains experience by defeating opponents. You can also use vitamins and other items to boost its stats and help it become more powerful.

In conclusion, Pikachu is not just a cute and cuddly companion, but a powerful Pokemon with a deadly set of moves. By focusing on its speed and special attacks, you can create a formidable opponent that will give you an edge in battles. Work on leveling it up and honing its skills to become a true master of the Pokemon universe.